What do we do now? - the question on every brand’s mind.

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What is the natural thing to do when something disruptive happens? Your natural instinct is either to stop first, rethink later. As it currently stands brands are adopting this mode of conduct due to the current COVID 19 situation. We have continuously heard statements such as: ‘We need to stop what we are doing and save money’ or ‘We can’t say anything - we need to be sensitive’ and ‘ If it doesn’t convert immediately- we won’t do it’.

Switching off has its repercussions. Whilst the climate might not be rife with sales opportunities across all industries - customers are constantly seeking reassurance that the brands they engage with are being considerate and purposeful in their endeavours. There has merely been a gear shift in conversations that brands need to pivot towards. Without doing so - consumers will think brands complacent - with an uphill battle once the lockdown restrictions are eased. The time for brands with purpose has never been greater. 

This will also mean that marketers need to be more considerate. Proposing brand development  that last 6 - 9 months with eye watering price tags against them - is a system well and truly broken. We don’t know how long this lockdown will last and therefore we have to be as pragmatic as our brand partners in order to shift the dial  to survive both as brands and suppliers. We have to move with the times and consider what we want the brands of tomorrow to look like. 

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Looking longer term

Now in a time of crisis, consumer habits and behaviours are fickle, marketing messages are scrutinized and brand loyalty is tested. The greatest challenge brands and consumers face is uncertainty which makes future planning very tricky. The only variable brands can control, is their message. Knowing what your brand stands for, and why customers should love your brand is even more critical now. Brands should see this time as an opportunity to sharpen their identity and establish new creative ideas. The right idea at the right time can have a lasting impression, especially in turbulent times. Investing time and resources to crafting ideas, establishing your “North Star” and articulating your core proposition is exactly what brands should be doing now. 

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Only from this point can you activate your brand to better serve your customers—and the community at large. Historically brands have placed more emphasis on how they look rather than what they say or how they make customers feel. Some have also been quite rigid in thinking about how the brand thrives in an offline world and not in the context of culture and global shifts. That’s why it is so important to think holistically about how to create value for every stakeholder that touches your brand—your customers, employees, community members, partners, shareholders and the planet we share—so that we all thrive together. Brands that are able to think laterally, giving themselves room to be flexible and adapt are the ones that are likely to stand the test of time.

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We are not going to beat around the bush and say this is going to be easy and everything will be fine. This is a challenging time for people and businesses alike. 

But we are going to say - support is there for those who need and want it. 

We are offering bespoke sprint working sessions to all those brands who need help to rethink their brand strategies to help adapt in this unprecedented time for 40% off over April & May. We know things are difficult at the moment - but it doesn’t mean we have to stop pursuing our endeavours. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel - we just need to evolve it - so lets be efficient, pragmatic and above all creative with what we have got to work with.  

Drop us an email and we will do what we can to help you either shift the dial or keep things moving. 


Brand Therapy - why bother?#truthtalk


Inspired by... Maria Kreyn